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All estates, manors and places belonged to the Sheremetiev had been nationalised after the October Revolution. In the last year of his life S.D. Sheremetiev together with the artists S.Yu. Zhukovsky and V.N. Meshkov
were involved in preparation of inventory of museum values of Kuskovo Manor. The Kuskovo State Museum-Manor had been established on October 23, 1918, and since May 1, 1919 it was opened for the visitors. Such
decision of the Soviet government had allowed the integrity of unique manor complex with the monuments of architecture and garden and park design, and numerous artistic, library and archival funds to be preserved.

This is the natural and historical park and strictly protected natural territory in the South Administrative Okrug of Moscow. It was established in 1984 and was integrated into a palace ensemble of the failed residence of the Empress Catherine II near Moscow.
Muzeon, The Sculpture Park

MUSEON Park of arts is a unique museum under the open sky having a collection of not less than 700 sculptures of Soviet and Russian sculptors. It is equipped with a cinema-theater, musical stage, playground for children’s classes. M: Oktyabrskaya, Park of Culture.

Vorobievy Hills

This name is associated with the name of village Vorobievo that was here in the middle centuries. At the end of the XV century, the duchess Sofia Vitovtovna, the daughter of Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt and the wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily I, bought the Vorobievo village from an orthodox priest having a nickname Vorobey (sparrow). Based on one of the version, Vorobievo received its name just owing to him.
Gorky Park

Central Park of Cultre and Rest named after Maxim Gorky is the best park in Moscow. Everything needed for family fun is present here. The park has plenty of green trees and lawns, bright-colored flowers and flower beds, water bodies, sculpture groups, elegant gazebos, exhilarating fountains.

VDNKh Park

The park is a huge lush of greenery with fountains, numerous cafes and restaurants and one of the most popular resting place for Muscovites. It covers over 300 ha. and is spread with 80 pavilions that tell the Soviet achievements in various fields.
The main entrance gate is a triumphal archway surmounted by the statue of a tractor driver and a farm girl brandishing sheaves of wheat. The gate leads visitors to the Central Pavilion in front of which stands a statue of Lenin.
Tagansky Park

The park was established in 1934. It occupies area about 7.3 hectare. Two-hundred years oak and the only one fountain in Taganka are the most important and famous attractions of the park. Big ‘Children’s Town’, the favourite place of children and their parents, is located in the park. Initially, it was created as the biggest children playground, then mini-town of attractions with a merry-go-round, a small locomotive, a trampoline and children’s observation wheel ‘Solnyshko’ were installed there lately. The park visitors may have a ride of electric vehicles on a big ground with road marking.
The Hermitage

It was found by Ya.V. Shchukin, the Moscow famous theatrical entrepreneur and patron. Its doors were opened first time in 1894. Official opening of the garden under the name The New Hermitage had place in the 18th of June 1895.
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