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Krasniy Oktyabr

After reorganization, former premise of confectionary "Krasniy Oktyabr" was empty for a long period of time. However, a fashionable spirit of the times to make art-areas from former industrial areas touched it.
Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts

The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow was established at the motherland of Alexander Sergeevich in 1957. Famous Pushkin scholars and wide public took part in creation of the museum in the middle of the last century. In museum funds more than 200 thousand monuments are presented, including invaluable gift - unique library of Russian poetry collected by I. N. Rozanov.
Andriaka Water Colour School

The name of watercolorist Sergei Andriaka is well known in Russia. Thanks to a series of lessons that were televised across the country, viewers learned about how an artist works and how his work is born. At this museum and exhibition complex you can see up close the paintings of the master, his students, and other teachers from the school. Part of the space is used for permanent displays, and part is for temporary exhibitions.

"Vinzavod" occupies premises of an ancient brewery "Moscow Bavaria", and now it is one of the main centers of the modern art in Moscow.
Famous Moscow galleries, design studios, art studios, the largest photo studio in Moscow, art-bars and cafes, bookshop and music shop, and, exactly, two large exhibition halls are located in its territory.
State Tretyakov Gallery

The All-Russian Museum Union “State Tretyakov Gallery” dated from the end of 1851 when family of Tretyakov bought the house in Lavrushinsky Pereulok and in 1856 Pavel Mikhaylovich purchased the first works of painting which marked the beginning of famous collection. M: Tretyakovskaya or Novokuznetskaya.

Museum-Panorama the Borodino Battle

The Museum-Panorama the Borodino Battle is the only museum of Moscow which exposition is fully devoted to the Patriotic War of 1812. Panorama, as central museum exhibit, is a brilliant sample of military and historical painting of the beginning of XX century devoted to one of the key moments of the Russian history, to the Borodino Battle. The Panorama “Borodino” length by perimeter constitutes 115m and height makes up 15m.
Garage Center for Contemporary Culture

“Garage” is the first project of the Charitable Foundation for Art Development and Support “Iris” founded in 2008 by Darya Zhukova. The Garage Center for Contemporary Culture is located in the territory of the former Bakhmetevsky bus fleet, which was constructed by the cult architect and constructivist Konstantin Melnikov in 1926.
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